As all TIMMIS teams conduct a series of meetings to help with their own development, this week we highlight the meeting that TIMMIS Marca España held on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 together with Ambassador José Jiménez Ugarte and diplomat Diego Calatayud.
Marina Castro, Javier Dapena, Alberto de Francisco and Carlos Sanz went yesterday to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs accompanied by Patricia Sanz, president of Exportun, co-founder of the Department of Foreign Trade and technical director of TIMMIS Teams; and Claudia García, executive director of Exportun.
The team communicated to its mentors their advances and concerns about the project they are working on: a series of university-level debates that allow normalizing a positive image of Marca España among youth, free from prejudice and outside ideologies.
The session began with a fruitful interview with Antonio Bonet, president of the Exporters and Investors Club. Already in the High Commissioner, after a brief exchange of anecdotes with Calatayud and Jiménez-Ugarte, they shared a scheme of what has been developed to date with the team, where the Ambassador and diplomat helped to polish the project by contributing new ideas and corrections to what had been done.
Marina Castro interviewed Jiménez-Ugarte and De Francisco at Calatayud about their vision for Spain at the national and international levels and the future perspectives. In the middle of the afternoon, the Design Thinking development session organized by Innersbloom from the Department of Foreign Trade in Valladolid joined in via Skype; a brainstorming session sharing experiences about the interviews and the conclusions that emerged from them.