T for Transborder

The TIMMIS project represents the acronym Transborder, Inclusive, Multicultural, Multidisciplinary, International, and Sustainable

Transborder projects are committed to collaboration, one of the hallmarks of globalization and the spirit of the European Union of twinning between countries, by closest proximity, which takes advantage of geographically adjoining with another culture, with which they share concerns, sensibilities, feelings, weather, etc.

Poctep is strongly committed to cooperation with Portugal, and at TIMMIS this materializes with the participation, within the list of beneficiaries, of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and the Nerba business association. These transborder representatives of the Portuguese area function, in turn, as a reflection of the analogous agents in Spain, of the University of Valladolid and Exportun, respectively, public and private organizations that reflect a healthy cooperation, albeit at another level.

TIMMIS is committed to cooperation, in turn, in teams of students from Portugal and Spain, in order to create working groups with a greater interest and wealth. This example is just one more demonstrating what can be done for the sake of understanding, far beyond economic performance, which is committed to the plurality of visions, the transborder exchange and the dialogue of two sister languages.