Alba Estrada, outstanding in her TFG ‘Market analysis. Marketing strategies, organization and operational plan of Medina 21 Languages’

The Faculty of Commerce student Alba Estrada, member of the TIMMIS Medina de Rioseco City team along with Maru Quirós and Mila Santana, obtained an outstanding this year, with the possibility of distinction, for the defense of her TFG ‘Market analysis. Marketing strategies, organization and operational plan of Medina 21 Languages.’ This final degree project is directly linked to her involvement in the European project of the Department of Foreign Trade, thanks to her work mentored by David Muriel and Natalia Martín.

“It is a company that is dedicated to bringing Spanish students from abroad to Medina del Campo through the Wine Route (Ruta del Vino), the denomination of origin Rueda that characterizes that area,” explains Estrada. “The project has two courses; the intensive 20 and the intensive Wine Route; the first one does all classes in the school and it is 20 teaching hours, fifteen with a teacher and five with a native speaker, to practice the language and improve the conversation level.”

On the other hand, the classes of the intensive Wine Route are taught at the Castillo de la Mota. except two days in a winery belonging to Ruta del Vino Rueda DO, and includes 20 teaching hours plus ten hours of conversation.

The board of this TFG was composed of Beatriz Fernández, Elena Fernández, and Amor Cumbreño.